Hay Fever Robots Make Theur Debut in Japan- Why Do the Japanese get all the Fun Stuff First?

It's a bird, it's a plane... it's an allergy-bot!

Weather News, a Japanese weather information company, has installed hundreds of globe-shaped light-emitting "robots" throughout the country, which estimate pollen levels and glow a different color based on the concentration of pollen in the air. Allergy sufferers can tell with a quick glance how miserable their day is likely to be, and can also sign up for pollen counts to be text-messaged to their cell phones each morning...

Although not nearly as George Jetson-like in its appeal, allergic folks state-side can also access up to date pollen conditions from the National Allergy Bureau. We don't use robots, though. Pollen counts in the U.S. are done manually, by volunteers!

To access airborne allergen information for your area, visit the National Allergy Bureau website.


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