Allergy Meeting News...

I am writing today from our nation's capital, where I have spent the last few days attending the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

The amount of research and clinical information presented at this meeting is enormous, and is already starting to show up on Good Morning America, the New York Times, etc...

Some highlights:

* Avoidance of milk, egg, and peanut for the first few years of life may not be protective against the development of food allergies in at-risk children.

* Oral immunotherapy to milk, egg and peanut is showing promise in children.

* Atopic dermatitis (eczema) benefits from proactive treatment with an antiinflammatory ointment twice weekly, even when the skin is clear.

And so much more! I will discuss these issues in more depth in upcoming posts- as always, nothing is ever as simple as it seems on the news or in the paper. Each patient's case is unique, so do not act on anything you hear or read before discussing it with your physician. Talk to your allergist about what they have learned at recent meetings... we'll be happy to share with you!


  1. Dear Dr. B, I learned more from your blog than my journals today! Your commitment to lifelong learning —and teaching — is truly inspiring. Anita Gewurz MD


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