Free Virtual Conference- Black People Like Me: Asthma, COVID-19, and Questions We Need Answered

I am sharing the following information from the Allergy & Asthma Network, because I believe we MUST do better at protecting vulnerable and high-risk populations from the COVID-19 virus. Communities of color are being disproportinately affected by the virus, not only in terms of infection rates, but also death rates and economic impacts. Achieving true equity in healthcare means understanding that resources must be allocated by need, not simply spread evenly throughout the population. If you don't agree, please don't hate - educate!!! You may be well-served by joining this free event, for which details are provided below. All too often, Black people experience more barriers to health based on their race. Many get sick or die because of these barriers. COVID-19 and asthma, for example, are more common among African Americans. How can we work together to improve the health of Black Americans? Let's start the conversation! Virtual Conference Black People Like Me: Asthma, ...