Unbeknownst to Me, My Husband has Jumped on the One Minute Parenting Bandwagon!

The other night, we piled the kids in the car to go out for dinner.

Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger" was playing on the radio, and our 7 year old was singing along to the chorus.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..."

At the end of the song, my husband surprised me by asking our son to relate the lesson in that phrase. (Apparently, they had discussed it during a previous car ride. At #1 for quite a few weeks, the song has gotten a lot of radio play.)

I was so pleased to hear the kiddo reply, "It means that you shouldn't be too upset if something bad happens or if you don't get something right or if you don't win, because you will learn for the next time." (run on sentence is his own)

Well played, boys. Well played.


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