The Allergist Mommy Confessions

Confession #1: I am still co-sleeping with Son #2. Why is an 18 month old in charge of my bed? I blame absence of any set routine. Because I parent my kids with the help of their grandmothers during the week while DH is out-of-town for work, the boys have 3 households, and 3 separate beds each. While this has fostered a great deal of flexibility and adaptability in my sons, it has also made it difficult to establish bedtime consistency. Hence, Son #2 wedges himself quite comfortably between DH and me in the middle of the night (even on weekends, when he easily could be in his crib). This is also why the odds of a Child #3 coming along any time soon are remarkably slim.

Confession #2: I no longer enjoy nursing, and am desperately trying to wean. I feel guilty admitting this, because I am such an ardent proponent of breastfeeding. However, partly due to Confession #1, and partly due to my own inability to suffer my child's noctural complaints, I have enabled Son #2 in his quest to remain eternally latched. He should have been sleeping through the night long ago, and it's really hard to blame this one on anyone but myself. As my husband reminds me every time I complain about this, I am too soft.

Confession #3: I really want a mommy-cation. I want to sleep through the night. I want to eat at a restaurant that has cloth napkins. I want to take a 30 minute shower. I want to get my nails done and actually let them dry fully before leaving the salon.

Confession #4: I'm skipping town. Hopping on a plane to the Big Easy (OK, fine- it's a medical conference, but that's as close as the Allergist Mommy is going to get to a real vacation right now). Leaving the kids with their loving father and grandparents for a few nights. Maybe, magically, miraculously, Son#2 will be sleeping all night in his own bed when I return. Or maybe not. Whatever- at least my nails will look good.


  1. Sakina,

    Great blog post. I manage a pediatric practice with three female (moms) pediatricians (you follow us on twitter @spediatrics). I had to print this out and give it to them 'cause I know they feel the same way.

    You're not alone!

    Brandon - aka @pediatricinc


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