Ringleader of Allergy Scam Sentenced- Good Riddance!

On June 29, 2009, the ringleader of an allergy scam which fraudulently billed for allergy blood tests which were not properly stored, and then gave over 800 patients allergy injections which were prepared by unlicensed individuals in unsanitary conditions, was sentenced to 9 years in prison and a $2.6 million fine. The ringleader was a nurse, but some doctors (also included n the indictment) allowed this man's company to bill insurance under their names, even though they never examined the patients or supervised the selection or preparation of the allergen extracts.

Read the Department of Justice press release here: http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/iln/pr/chicago/2009/pr0629_01.pdf

For shame! This type of malpractice is unconscionable, unethical, and DANGEROUS! However, suboptimal allergy testing and treatments are offered by all manner of self-proclaimed "experts", many of whom aren't even M.D.'s or D.O's. It's easy to be swindled the the title "Dr." and a white coat.

This is all the more reason to ensure that you are evaluated, and your allergy treatment is being designed and supervised, by a Board-Certified Allergist and Immunologist. Find one here: Find an Allergist, Find Relief
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