Children's Memorial Hospital Food Allergy Study- Your Chance to Participate!

If you have a child or children with food allergies, consider participating in the Children's Memorial Hospital Food Allergy Study.

"The Children’s Memorial Food Allergy Study is a large, family-based food allergy study and holds great potential for scientific discovery and clinical translation. It is gaining momentum with the support of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Chicago Community Trust, Food Allergy Initiative, and generous donors."

Your participation will advance knowledge regarding the genetic basis of food allergy, environmental contributors to food allergy, the possibility of predicting and/or preventing food allergy, and the optimal treatments for this condition. Participation will not alter your child's current medical treatment.

This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the knowledge about a condition that affects so many of our children.

For more information, visit, call 1-888-573-1833 or email

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