Mother's Day Wishes

Mother's Day is nearly upon us, so I feel inclined to spread a little mama-love via the internet.

Fellow mothers of children with allergies, let us acknowledge that:

1. We love our children more than they will ever know, and would lay our lives down for them in a heartbeat.
2. There is not one among us who, if given the opportunity, would not "magically absorb" her child's allergy.
2. We spend the majority of our birthday wishes, shooting star wishes, 11:11 wishes, and 4-leaf clover wishes not on dreams of tropical vacations and lottery winnings, but on hopes for cures and the safety of our little ones.
3. We spend countless hours and dollars selecting and creating meals and treats so that our children can participate in social activities as fully as possible, and not feel isolated.
4. In addition to roles of mother and partner, we have taken up the essential roles of educator and advocate.
5. We eagerly share in the joys of allergies outgrown or treated, and also share in the mutual sorrow and loss when one of our children suffers. It is as though our hearts are joined with a single string - pulled in one place, and each heart gets tugged.

Dealing with allergies is a unique endeavor in each household. We all deal with it differently. 

Some have been lucky, and have been spared serious reactions in their kids. (There, but for the grace of God, go I...) Bless you.

Some continue to charge on in the face of frequent reactions, unknown/multiple triggers, or complicating illnesses. Bless you.

Some have poured their energy into making allergic children's environments as safe as possible, or offering safe foods/recipes, easy access to emergency medication, books and other educational materials. Bless you.

Some have shared their personal day-to-day experiences via the magic of the web, hoping that others may find solace and hope in learning they are not alone in this world. Bless you.

Some have participated in trials of novel therapeutic options, contributing to the march towards a cure. Bless you.

Some, unable to participate in a trial, have made the decision to pursue some of these therapies outside of the research studies. Bless you.

Some simply (BIG understatement) continue to do the best they can to keep their kids safe, happy and healthy, one day at a time. Bless you.

Bless you all during this time, and always.

Happy Mother's day, from the AllergistMommy.


  1. It's hard to believe that Mother's Day will arrive in 2 days! The "Mothers' Tribute" was so warm and fun in my son's kindergarten classroom today that he didn't mind that he had to eat his "special cookies". The kindergarten class celebrated us through poetry, artwork and songs! Of course, even on Mothers' Day, I will remain a vigilant f.a. mom, but I will do so from the "queen's throne". Thank you for this great post which I will share!

  2. Matty- thank you for reading and sharing! Happy Mother's Day!


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