The AllergistMommy Wears Pajamas to Daycare, Gets Ridiculed by 6 Year Olds

I love Wednesday, because it's my day off during the week. My day to sip tea, eat biscotti, and catch up on emails, blogging, administrative tasks for work, and laundry.

No rushing to get ready in the morning while encouraging the kids to scarf down their breakfasts! Instead, I can leisurely roll out of bed and focus my efforts on ensuring that my kids are clean, dressed and fed before heading off to school. So what if my make-up isn't done and I'm not fully dressed for work? I throw my hair into a ponytail and once my coat is on, no one is the wiser, right?

Kids notice everything.

So, I was just a little embarrassed when my son was excitedly asked by a friend, "Does your mom have pajama day at work today TOO?!?!" (Kids are crazy about pajama days.)

I looked down at myself, and what I saw was horrifying:
Instead of yoga pants, I left the house in a pair of MY HUSBAND'S PLAID PAJAMA PANTS. You know, the ones that shrunk in the wash as soon as he bought them? The ones that are so ugly that I'm forbidden to wear them when he's home? The ones that are so incredibly comfortable that I can't resist wearing them when he's NOT home? The ones that announce to my 6 year old's classmates that his mother is a lazy, unstylish frump? Yeah, THOSE pants.

Apparently, my Wednesdays have gotten a little too lazy. Some administrative tasks will have to be put on hold today, while I burn everything plaid and pay my respects at


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